Few days ago, I wrote about the 6th Best Cebu Blogs Awards where LamiKaayo.com was one of the finalists. Last December 7, the winners were announced and I still can’t believe that LamiKaayo.com won the Best Cebu Food Blog award. I just want to thank the organizers of BCBA 2013, the judges, my friends whom I always pig out with, eheh and of course my readers. I would like to share this award to my fellow finalists for we are all winners. This award will definitely inspire me to blog even better.

Best Cebu Blogs Awards 2013 also recognized the Top 10 Famous Cebu Bloggers based on the following criteria; 30 % – Number of Facebook Likes at Best Cebu Blogs of 2013 Fan Page; 35 % – Nominated Blog’s Page Rank; 35 % – Nominated Blog’s Alexa and Domain Authority.

Top 10 Famous Cebu Bloggers
Top 10, www.iamdownloader.com, Mr. Orville Tadle
Top 9, www.iamalexa.biz, Ms. Alexa Martin
Top 8, www.aroundtheflexure.com, Mr. Ken Michael Jon Taarup
Top 7, www.exoticphilippines.info, Ms. Gay Aida Dumaguing
Top 6, www.LakbayDiva.com, Mr. Edwin Castillon
Top 5, babydesertwolf.blogspot.com, Mr. James arnold nogra
Top 4, www.focalglass.com, Mr. Evanjohnn Mendoza
Top 3, mycebuphotoblog.wordpress.com, Mr. Leylan Romarate
Top 2, www.spotaleopard.com, Mr. Rodrick P. Guarin
Top 1, www.gotecotech.com , Mr. Enje Godinez
The Best Cebu Blogs Awards By Niche Winners were also announced. The winners were judged by the following criteria; Content = 30%; Design and Layout = 30%; Relevance to NICHE = 40%.

The Best Cebu Blogs Awards By Niche Winners
Best Cebu Events/Entertainment Blogger : Mr. Philip Andrew Mayol of www.cebufinest.com Score: 94.5 %
Best Cebu Personal Blogger : Dr. Narciso Tapia of pinoylifewithpkd.blogspot.com Score: 92.75%
Best Cebu Photo Blogger : Mr. Leylan Romarate of mycebuphotoblog.wordpress.com Score: 89.5%
Best Cebu Travel Blogger : Mr. Edwin Castillon of www.LakbayDiva.com Score: 95.75%
Best Cebu Technology Blogger : Jose Farrugia of www.wiredmash.com Score: 94.75 %
Best Cebu Food Blogger : Marco Diala of www.lamikaayo.com Score: 92.75%
Best Cebu Lifestyle/Fashion Blogger : Alexa Martin of www.iamalexa.biz Score: 93%
Mr. Edwin Castillon of www.LakbayDiva.com also received the Greenwich Barkada Philippines award for garnering the highest score of 95.75% among the winners.
Congratulations to the organizers and all the winners and thank you again for this recognition.
Congrats Marco!!!